“Futsal Tramplin” is a unique international event for the young football and futsal players and coaches organized by National Futsal League of Spain (LNFS) and Baltic Futsal League. It will take place in Tallinn at the end of August.
“Futsal Tramplin” is divided into two directons: training camp and coaching seminar.
Coaching seminar “Futsal Tramplin”
From the 23 till 25 of August at Märjamaa Sports Center and on the 28 of August at Viimsi Sports Complex in Tallinn, within the youth training camp “Futsal Tramplin”, which will be held by National Futsal League of Spain (LNFS) and Baltic Futsal League, will also take place a coaching seminar for futsal and football specialists. A series of lectures on the most pressing organizational and game-related issues will be given by Spanish specialist Miguel Andres Moreno, who won UEFA Champions League and the National Championship with the world-famous “Barcelona” in the 2020/21 season.